Faith Over Fear Crisis Intervention Team (FFCIT): A new program to benefit our community!
It is with great excitement that we tell you about a new program that is here to benefit members of our community. Faith Over Fear Crisis Intervention is a program that has been developed to help people to deal with the devastating affects of trauma and the associated stress that comes with it.
Through this program FFCIT trains volunteers to be peer support specialists, educated in the effects of stress and critical trauma on the person. The goal of the program is to help people to deal with stress and avert the effects that can lead to PTSD.
Additionally, this program is designed to train Chaplains for service in various areas including hospital, hospice, prison, fire service, and police departments.
While similar programs exist in the emergency services, it was determined that there are few resources like this available to the general public. For that reason, this program was created to both supplement the needs of emergency services and provide support to individuals and groups in the public arena who may need assistance with traumatic events. Some of the things this program can assist with include car accidents, fires, death and dying loved ones, major incidents, mass casualty incidents, death of a child, and any other crisis that may traumatize someone.
This is not a counseling service, though FFCIT does have limited counselors on staff. Therefore there are some opportunities for counseling on a case by case basis. All services provided by FFCIT are free to participants. FFCIT is a non-profit organization supported by donations.
Learn more at
CHRISTIAN CONCERT! Jordyn St Cyr and Dan Bremnes coming to Camp Verde Equestrian Center!
Please join us as we welcome to the stage Jordyn St Cyr and Dan Bremnes, two Canadian Christian pop artists, performing in Camp Verde for their Canadian Stampede Tour. These two already have hit songs on Christian radio and are all over YouTube. Now they will be bringing their memorable, praising, worshiping music to the stage at the Camp Verde Equestrian Center (the rodeo grounds on Hwy 260). This concert is intended as a multi-denominational gathering for fellowship, worship, praise to God and for a good time with other saints! Prebuy tickets are $15, gate purchase are $20, and children 5 and under enter for free! This is an awesome concert at an awesome price, and these two are truly blessed with talent and are a must-see! October 16th, 6 PM (Gates open at 5).
Praying for Faith Moore
Please pray for Faith Moore, a 16 year old girl who was driving home during a storm and became trapped by raging waters that washed her car off the road. She was swept from the car into the torrent of water that was flooding the adjacent wash. This tragedy occurred at approximately 9:30 PM Saturday night and rescuers and volunteers have been searching tirelessly since! Hazards abound in the search area and there are several wide open uninhabited areas along the river that she could be injured and waiting in. For more information on this and how you can help, please visit the facebook page at If you have trouble accessing, message us and we will ensure you can access the page.
Overseas Mission, spreading the Gospel far and wide! (Posted 4/11/2021)
The niece of one of our board members is going on a mission trip!
While Body of Christ Ministries does not currently host mission trips overseas, we do support worthwhile causes that are in line with our core mission of spreading the good news of the True Gospel, free of apostasy! Please join us in supporting Tanner Lee Perry as she raises funds to do this very important work. We, as a ministry, are supporting her and we hope that you will support her individually as well! This isn't a mission to dig wells or anything. It is simply an evangelism mission. Our prayers and thoughts go with her as she takes on this very worthy cause! You can support her at the following link:
New BOC Traveling Pastor, Eric French! (Posted 4/11/2021)
We are proud and happy to welcome Eric French, his wife Amanda, and their three children Leah, Autumn and Linley. They travel the country, evangelizing to people in every town and Eric has just been ordained as a pastor with the Body of Christ church. He will be spreading the great news of the True Gospel to people on behalf of the Body everywhere they travel! Please join me in welcoming them to the Body of Christ Ministries team! Check out their blog page HERE.
Packed with Love!
A trashbag is NOT a suitcase! Yet foster children are given this as their means of carrying everything they own! Children in foster care are in dire need! They experience disruption and difficulties that many of us can only imagine! They have great need, and one of the areas of need is with respect to dignity and self-respect.
It seems a small thing to many, but a child carrying their belongings in a trash bag is harmful to their morale and sense of dignity, control and belonging. Please help us by donating your used luggage.
We will ensure that your donations get to the local foster agency so that children can have luggage in which to carry their belongings rather than the trashbags that they are often seen with! As past foster parents, Tami and I have seen first hand the need for decent suitcases for these children as they move from the agency to their new residence.
These kids have already lost their sense of control and power over their lives. They are moving into locations where they are strangers, living with strangers, and often in a very different environment than they are accustomed to. Please help us to give them some small sense of control through this effort!
You can donate used suitcases, luggage, clothing, shoes and other items by contacting us via our website at, or via email at You may also choose to order and ship items for this purpose by shipping them to Body of Christ Church Foster help, 2763 S Old Church Rd. Camp Verde, AZ 86322. Finally, if you choose you may also donate funds via mailed check (indicate the desired purpose on the memo section) or via online donation through our website, facebook page or other preferred methods such as Venmo and Facebook Pay.
Please help us to help the most vulnerable of our community!!
Extra Change Roundup: (posted 2/17/2021)
New! Support Our Work Just By Donating Your Change
We have partnered with a new mobile app and website that allows you to automatically donate the change from your card purchases to support our work. It’s small change for you, but a game changer for us! Check out the RoundUp App and download it for iPhone, Android or use the Web Version.
Extra Change Roundup: (posted 2/14/2021)
We are actively seeking a partnership with a digital pay service that will enable people to voluntarily round up their credit and debit card purchases to the nearest dollar. This extra change is then donated to the church on a monthly basis. Setup is easy! We will update this post with more details once we have a finalized agreement. Once arranged, all a person will have to do is download an app that allows one to connect their cards. The process is completely safe and secure! Then do what you normally do! Every purchase you make can be rounded up to the nearest dollar automatically and then sent to the church bank to be used in our community efforts!
As always, we want to remind everyone that no one is paid in this ministry! We are a completely volunteer service. We appreciate your support and help!
We have added the means for people from around the country and even the world to join in our Sunday worship and other live services. Prior to each service that is performed the Zoom link will be added to the Facebook page so that you have the choice of joining us on Facebook live or interacting with the service via Zoom! We are happy to provide this service and look forward to seeing everyone on Sundays!
Suicide is the true pandemic we face. Each 13 minutes a person takes his or her own life. There is a critical trifecta that, once met, means it is not a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN. This trifecta is PERCEIVED BURDENSOMENESS, FEELING OF LACK OF BELONGING, AND LEARNED FEARLESSNESS OF HURT OR DEATH. Watch the sermon HERE to learn more. We will also be adding an informative presentation to the site to help those who are hurting to get help, and to help those who are witnessing to help those who are hurting. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE THE FOLLOWING NUMBER IN THEIR TELEPHONE:
OPENING DAY! Posted 4/21/2020
We are so excited and happy to announce that the ministry is officially "opening its doors" (so to speak) on Sunday, May 3rd at 11:30 AM with our opening service. This service will be in video format online in order to be in compliance with current health regulations. We are eager to get started but want also to first and foremost protect the health of those whom we serve. Please join us for our service on May 3rd. See our Facebook page for further details as we get closer!
NEWS Posted 3/31/2020
We have some exciting programs and things that we are going to be offering! Some we offer now, and one will be available hopefully this summer.
Available now: If you go to the LIST OF SERVICES tab above, or click the links to the right, you will be taken to the Services page. On this page you will see what is currently being offered.
Currently we offer a Premarital Enrichment course for those who are newly engaged, planning to become engaged soon or newlywed. This program makes use of psychologically sound, Biblically centered principles to prepare the couple for a lifetime of committment and happiness! Best of all, it is *FREE!
The second service we offer currently is a Marriage Enrichment course. This program, like the Premarital Enrichment course, is both psychologically proven and Biblically driven and centered. It is for those couples who have been married and may be going through a rough patch from mild to serious or for couples who just want to build stronger bonds in their relationship. Like the Premarital Enrichment course, it is also offered for *FREE.
(*FREE: The services of the pastor including evaluation of reports/assessments and sessions with the couple are free, but there is a small fee for the assessments in these programs, $75 or less depending on the program, see the service page for further details).
FRENCH FAMILY BLOG PAGE: See where they are spreading the Gospel today!
Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255
God would that NO ONE should perish! You are not alone!
50/50 Raffle drawn on 10/4/2020
Hello and blessings everyone! The raffle raised $230 for the church so thank you to all who participated and supported our church. This means the winner's amount was also $230 and the winning ticket went to Kirsten McManus. She and her family have generously decided to use the money to put back into the church and its programs. So this, in fact, doubled the support for the church through this fundraiser. Thank you so much to the McManus family!!!
50/50 Raffle! Posted 9/17/2020
Hello and blessings everyone!
We are holding a 50/50 raffle to support our ministry and hope that you will take part! The tickets are 1 for $1.00, 6 for $5.00 and 25 for $20.00. Proceeds will go to supporting our ministry, its budding community outreach and youth programs, and for our worship sanctuary. The winner of the raffle will be drawn at our first official live church service on Sunday, October 4th. Participants do NOT NEED TO BE PRESENT TO WIN! Please help us support our church and take a chance at winning some cash! Payment can be done in person at 1804 S Quarterhorse Ln in Camp Verde or virtually through Venmo with virtual (image) tickets sent immediately to you.
As always, thank you so much for your support of this ministry and may the Lord bless and keep you!
Pastor Brian Wattenbarger
Amazon Wish List:
If you follow this link you will find items that the Church will be needing in the coming months. Some have requested this as an option for donating to the Church. Obviously, the items don't have to be purchased from Amazon and may be cheaper elsewhere. Feel free to use whatever means desired. Items can be brought or shipped to the Church address at 1804 S Quarterhorse Ln, Camp Verde, AZ 86322. Thank you SO MUCH for your support! The link to the list can be found here.
New Program Links: Posted 3/31/2020