There are many ways you can make a difference in this ministry and in the community! Read on to see some of the ways you can help and if you have a suggestion for a way to make an impact, please let us know!
Churches survive on the tithing of its members. An important and easy way to support the ministry is to donate to our ministry! We are an organization made up entirely of volunteers! No one, not even the pastor, draws any form of income from this ministry. Rest assured that 100% of your donation will go back into the community and the programs established and operated by Body of Christ Church. You can donate one time or on a schedule by clicking the button to the right. You may also use the donation box on site at the church. We are a 501(c)(3) corporation and all donations are tax deductible. Read below to learn how to help through AMAZON SMILE.
Support Our Work Just By Donating Your Change. We have partnered with a new mobile app and website that allows you to automatically donate the change from your card purchases to support our work. It’s small change for you, but a game changer for us! Check out the RoundUp App and download it for iPhone, Android or use the Web Version.
There will be many opportunities to volunteer your time! We are building programs that will support our community. We will need volunteers for fundraising efforts, crafts, baking, donation collections, deliveries, working with area youth, hosting events, and many other gifts of your time and talents! Everyone in the Body is imbued with special gifts by the Holy Spirit. Don't let yours go unused! WE NEED YOU! Click the button to request more information of give us your ideas to help the ministry and the community!
If you shop on Amazon you have access to Amazon Smile. Simply click the button below to sign up your Amazon Account for Smile. Then, instead of logging directly into Amazon, log in through Smile (Same company) and Amazon will donate 0.05% of your purchase cost (to the charity you selected when you set up your account. We are listed as one of the charities so you can select us to donate to.
Christ didn't want us to follow Him by resting on our laurels! We are expected to spread the Good News and share the gifts of God! One simple way to do this is to engage with us in the Tract Ministry. We have partnered with Daily Devotionals to Drive Your Day, a Facebook ministry, to get informational tracts to those who need it. Simply pray over the tracts that they get to someone whom God wishes, and then place them conspicuously around town. They can go on a store counter, a restaurant table, a park bench, a rest stop, etc. God does the rest! Click the button below to request more information.
We are always in need of supplies! We can use things like printer paper, construction paper, office supplies, school supplies, colors, markers, craft materials, books for the elderly to read, crossword books and other games, Bibles, and many other things. Contact us below to learn more.