Spend some time fellowshipping with friends and sharing insight and knowledge of scripture in a fun, encouraging environment! This is an opportunity to learn and grow in faith with others. Channel your inner theologian with a group of friendly, loving and eager-to-learn folks.
There is no intimidation here! Often people feel nervous to attend meetings like this, as they feel self-conscious about their own knowledge or perceived lack but a Bible study should NEVER be discouraging.
This is an opportunity to grow in friendship as much as in knowledge! Come join us every Tuesday evening at 6:00 PM for an hour of fun, discussion and eats-and-drinks!
Current study centers around the Purple Book: a 12-part Bible study that encourages your heart and soul! This study is for new believers and longtime followers both! The workbook is motivating people from all walks of life to build an unshakable spiritual foundation. You can purchase the book through Christianbooks online bookstore (link below).